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Counterbalance Newsletter


Each month we hold a general meeting over lunch at a different place in our community.  Contact the QA Chamber to learn more: 206.283.6876.


The Queen Anne Chamber of Commerce is a group of business people working together to make the Queen Anne area a safer, better and more prosperous community through cooperation, communication and representation.



To find out the latest update on construction of the world headquarters of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation




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GQACC members can now take advantage of the benefits AAOA has to offer.



Chamber Deal

Chamber Homestreet Bankcard: Get a free credit card machine by applying online for merchant services with our affiliated bankcard processor. Visit the link for the application.

Counterbalance Newsletter

 May  2008  June 2008
July / August 2008
October 2008


Counterbalance Archives

We are putting together a new 2010 Queen Anne Chamber "Counterbalance" Newsletter.

Do you have something you would like us to include?  Please email the Newsletter Editor, our
Director of Marketing, Mary Chapman at:  contact@qachamber.org.